Business Travel Accident Insurance

Equifax provides U.S. and non-U.S. domiciled employees with Business Travel Accident and Out-of-Country Accident and Sickness medical coverage (BTA).

This plan protects you and your accompanying spouse and/or dependent child(ren) while you are traveling on company business more than 100 miles outside the limits of the city or town in which you live or are regularly employed. 

You’ll be automatically enrolled at no cost to you in our BTA plan. Just be sure to print a copy of the Travel Assist ID card (found on People Link) before your business trip.

Contact Information

To access your assistance website services, visit

Within the U.S.: Call 877-244-6871 toll-free/free phone.

Outside the U.S.: Call +1-715-346-0859 collect/reverse charge.


Note: To the extent summary information on this site conflicts with the terms of underlying legal plan documents, the terms of the legal plan documents shall prevail.