Fidelity® Personalized Planning & Advice
No matter what type of investor you are, you can get personalized investment advice and help managing your Equifax 401(k) Plan account from the investing experts at Fidelity Investments.
PLEASE NOTE: Equifax changed providers for this inestment advice service from Edelman Financial Engines to Fidelity Investments at the end of 2022. Employees were notified of this change in late November 2022.
Fidelity® Personalized Planning & Advice Overview
You are eligible if you are an active US employee of Equifax.
More Information
Log in to your account at Fidelity Investments.
Call 866-811-6041 to speak with a Fidelity representative.
*Advisory services, including Online Advice and Professional Management, are provided by Financial Engines Advisors, L.L.C., an independent, federally registered investment advisor and wholly owned subsidiary of Financial Engines, Inc. Financial Engines does not sell investments or receive commissions for the funds it recommends. Financial Engines does not guarantee future results. The information has been provided by Financial Engines. Financial Engines is not affiliated with Fidelity Investments or its affiliates.
PLEASE NOTE: Equifax changed providers for this inestment advice service from Edelman Financial Engines to Fidelity Investments at the end of 2022. Employees were notified of this change in late November 2022.
Fidelity® Personalized Planning & Advice Overview
You are eligible if you are an active US employee of Equifax.
More Information
Log in to your account at Fidelity Investments.
Call 866-811-6041 to speak with a Fidelity representative.
*Advisory services, including Online Advice and Professional Management, are provided by Financial Engines Advisors, L.L.C., an independent, federally registered investment advisor and wholly owned subsidiary of Financial Engines, Inc. Financial Engines does not sell investments or receive commissions for the funds it recommends. Financial Engines does not guarantee future results. The information has been provided by Financial Engines. Financial Engines is not affiliated with Fidelity Investments or its affiliates.