With the vision plan offered through EyeMed, you’ll receive an allowance for most expenses, if you use the network. If you go out-of-network, you’ll need to file a claim for reimbursement up to the out-of-network allowance.
If you enroll in the vision plan, be sure to check out the Eye Rewards page on regularly for a mix of special offers and discounts that give your benefits a boost.
If you are an active employee, visit PeopleLink for detailed information.
First time? Use your Employee ID as a Member ID to register.
Call 866-723-0513 to speak with an EyeMed representative.
Note: To the extent summary information on this site conflicts with the terms of underlying legal plan documents, the terms of the legal plan documents shall prevail.
If you enroll in the vision plan, be sure to check out the Eye Rewards page on regularly for a mix of special offers and discounts that give your benefits a boost.
If you are an active employee, visit PeopleLink for detailed information.
Contact Information
First time? Use your Employee ID as a Member ID to register.
Call 866-723-0513 to speak with an EyeMed representative.
Note: To the extent summary information on this site conflicts with the terms of underlying legal plan documents, the terms of the legal plan documents shall prevail.